Friday, May 3, 2019

2 Truths and a Lie 

1) I sang the National Anthem at a baseball game. 
2) I once ran a mile under 6 minutes. 
3) I have seen Avengers Infinity War over 5 times. 


  1. I am gonna go with the National Anthem, however Infinity War five times would be some serious dedication so I am on the line.

  2. This one is hard, because, even not knowing you really well, I want to say that they are all true. I'm going with the Infinity War being the lie.

  3. No, I have seen Infinity War over 5 times. I love that movie! I have not ran a mile under 6 minutes. I've gotten close, but haven't accomplished that feat yet.

  4. Wow on the 6 miles but I am going to go with that for your lie. If not very impressive. Great Job!

    1. By the way this is Rebekah I forget that it doesn't put my name on there.

    2. Thanks Rebekah! Hopefully one day, but I have to put down the cheeseburgers first. lol
